Thursday, August 2, 2012

  1. Analyze other Common Core / Essential Standards for places to connect with the ITES. What commonalities do you notice?
    How do they compare?
  2. "Take notes" in the form of a blog on all the connections that you find.
  3. Copy the link to your blog entry, and paste it in an email to me to share with others.

Looking at all the grade levels and making general connections among ITES, Common Core and Essential Standards the following jumped out to me:
:Communication with and among students in many forms orally, written, electronically 
:using the correct tools for the tasks
:evaluating the information you get either in text or electronically
:creating new products with information
:learning how to learn and how to find information to solve problems and satisfy curiosities  

I believe that teachers will address ITES standards in all areas of the curriculum and will not have to stretch to make connects with Common Core and Essential Standards.

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